Jesus Manifesto presents a fresh unveiling of Jesus as not only Saviour and Lord, but as so much more. It is a prophetic call to restore the supremecy and sovereignty of Christ in a world - and a church - that has lost sight of Him. Every revival and restoration in the church has been a rediscovery of some aspect of Christ in the precess of answering the ultimate question that Jesus put to His disciples: "Who do you say that I am?" Read this book and see your Lord like you've never seen Him before."
Just ask yourself this simple question "Who do you say that Jesus is?". If the answer is I don't really know or I think... but I'm not really sure. You need to read this book. Even if you think you know who Jesus is this is a great read. It will open your eyes to the real Jesus. You will start to see Him in a new light and realize how you should be living. It will change the way you view worship and even your prayer life. With so many churches now days preaching the "health and wealth" message and not preaching on the Bible and Jesus and the need for salvation this book is a much needed read. This is a good reminder that we are not to follow Christianity but follow Christ. I encourage all self proclaimed Christians to read this book. Our focus should always be on Christ and nothing more, this book helps us as Christians to get back to that main focus and realize that without Christ we have nothing but in Christ we have everything! Nothing is more important than Christ and our relationship with Him!
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their